Summertime is a great time

If you have already come to the Holy Land, you did it probably between October and May. Yes, most of the groups and individual pilgrims and tourists come here in this period. The main reason is the weather. If you come from Europe or from the North America, your visit to Israel and Palestine during the winter will be a nice change – from grey winter mood and frost to sunshine and pleasant temperaatures.

Well, it is true. However you can find yourself covered with snow even in Jerusalem and Bethlehem!

Many people say: “I am not planning to come to the Holy Land in the summer, because it is too hot there”. That is why June, July, and August are the low season here. But if you decide to plan you pilgrimage for the summer months, you will soon realize, that it is not at all a bad idea!

First of all, the temperatures are not really higher than in Greece, Italy, or Spain. In fact, you feel better here, because of lower humidity. Especially the holy cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem, that are located on relatively high altitude (approx. 850 m / 2780 ft above the sea level). This location offers you hot days and fresh and cool evenings and nights.

Another factor is the number of pilgrims. If you come here in summer, you will not be surrounded by crowds. You will not lose your time waiting in long lines to visit the holy places.

Last but not least, our partner hotels offer lower prices for the summer months. So you can get a better price for your group.

Summer is a very convenient period for visiting the Holy Land. Just remember to drink a lot of water, put a hat on your head, and use the sun screen. For the rest, we will take care of you!

Entry to Israel for non-Israeli citizens

As of 3.6.2022 – Please check the current rules on the official website of the Israeli Government

You may complete the entry form to Israel 10 days prior to the departure date of a flight to Israel, a cruise to Israel or land border crossing to Israel.

It is not required to present a negative result on a COVID-19 test before boarding a flight to Israel, a cruise to Israel or before arriving to Israel at a land border crossing.
The PCR testing mandate for those entering Israel at airports and maritime and land border crossings was lifted, and the isolation required until that test result was also canceled.
Confirmed COVID cases will not be permitted to board a flight to Israel. If you were confirmed with COVID and have not yet recovered according to the required protocol in Israel and in the state from which the flight departs – do not board the flight.

Entering Israel

  1. A health insurance policy with coverage for the treatment of COVID-19 is required.
    The insurance policy is a mandatory to enter Israel.
  1. Fill out the entry form to Israel during the 10 days prior your flight to Israel.

Currently there is no legal requirement of isolation after entering Israel.

If a non-Israeli citizen contracts COVID while in Israel, they should follow the guidance for non-Israelis regarding isolation.

We are here!

Dear Friends and Pilgrims,

We have missed you so much – but now it is possible again to visit the Holy Land without restrictions. We have already received several pilgrim groups who arrived from different countries.

The shrines and pilgrim paths fill up with people these last weeks. Young and old, pilgrims and tourists arrive to the Holy Land and enjoy its beauty, spiritual meaning, and rich history.

The current rules for the entry to Israel for non-Israeli citizens on the website of the Ministry of Health of Israel

Prepare your travel to Israel and Palestine! We will be happy to assist you with a professional preparation of the programme, hotel bookings, transportation, guiding. Our guides speak English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, and other languages.

You can contact us here:

    Tourism Returning to Israel?

    After many month of sadness, grief, and incertitude, we have just received the following message. It gives us a new hope for the future! We pray that it may become true, so tat we may meet you all soon in the Holy Land!

    Israeli authorities have begun early planning toward the resumption of incoming tourism to Israel by Mid December 2020.
    The information we can share with you today is a bright point of hope following eight months of severe travel restriction. Please remember that these points reflect only the early planning stages, and future travel easing will have to be approved by the appropriate authorities before full implementation is announced.

    1. Together with the opening of Israeli hotels on December 15, 2020, the government is considering allowing the entrance of tour groups from “green nations.”
    2. Groups (of no more than 30 participants) have to be pre-authorized by the Ministry of Immigration and Health Ministry.
    3. All group members must carry a valid Health Insurance Policy that includes Coronavirus treatment.
    4. All group members must carry proof of a negative PCR test result.
    5. Each group will be assigned their dedicated Guide and Driver who will stay with the group full time from arrival to departure. The Guide and Driver will be PCR tested before the group’s arrival, and will not return to their homes until the group’s departure.
    6. During the tour, the group will remain in a “capsule mode” during site seeing and shopping, while using only their designated bus and assigned seating area in the dining halls or restaurants.
    7. Pre-approval information that will be submitted to the Israeli authorities will include: Travelers’ information, Foreign Agent’s information, Israeli Agent’s information, and contact person per group, proof of Health Insurance, Detailed itinerary, including hotels and site visits and Names of dedicated Guide and Driver.
      Again, these are GOOD NEWS indeed, and we will continue to update you as the new rules firm up and as specific guidelines are finalized. Please do not hesitate to call our office with any questions you might have as we are standing by to assist you to make plans for your future groups to Israel.

    Empty Tomb

    We all suffer because of the global pandemic. All the travels had been cancelled. We have stayed at home. The streets of our cities and villages became empty.

    The Holy Places were closed for many weeks as well. The Nativity Grotto in Bethlehem and the Holy Tomb in Jerusalem were not accessible for the faithful. Only the priests and monks who lived in the shrines continued to celebrate their liturgies.

    The Holy Sepulchre in June 2020

    These days many churches in the Holy Land are open, but only a handful of people come to pray there. The empty Tomb of Jesus is really empty, which is an unusual view for our pilgrims, who saw it full of multilingual crowds.

    We pray that we may see you all soon in the shrines of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Galilee. We wait for you!